Friday, December 31, 2010

wow. 2010 is over.

A good year. Less angstful than other recent ones - which has probably made for a more boring blog. Thanks for sticking around.

703 posts. That's down a little on last year. I've been busier with work and stuff. Most of the stuff I've posted has been pretty forgettable. My controversial (stupid) posts on schooling drew the most comments (200ish) and probably lost me quite a few friends. But I've been pleased with some of the poems I've written.

Satellite (for Andrew)
Australia Post Does Not Deliver to Mars
The Soprano Will Always Get The Man

Looking at them with a bit more distance I want to put my red pen to some lines and I might, maybe. Remind me to never use the word 'soul' again.

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed your blog in 2010. And I could see where you were coming from with the schooling posts. I really love the poetry too...wish I had it in me to compose like that!
