Friday, June 19, 2009

Primary school inter-school sport is...

a.) A fun time for kids to play sport
b.) A fun time for students and teachers
c.) A fun time for bus drivers
d.) A phenomenal waste of time

Today I taught year 5. Kind of. Here's how the day looked.

9.00 - Assembly
9.20 - get kids back to class, mark roll etc
9.30 - Maths
10.15 - Spelling test
10.30 - Grammar
10.50 - Story and game
11.00 - Lunch
11.45 - Get ready for interschool sport
12.00 - Walk to bus stop, get on bus for ISS (I was responsible for yr 5-7 netball and touch girls teams)
12.20 - arrive, warm up, sit and wait
1.00 - touch girls play for <15 minutes, have a half hour break then play for another <15 minutes, meanwhile half the netball girls play for 40 minutes and half sit and do nothing because they have a bye.
2.00 - sit or muck around while waiting for the bus
2.15 - get on bus
2.35 - free time until bell (I have kids from 3 different classes.)

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