I've adjusted a training schedule from here. Here is my plan:
Week 1
- Monday = Pump class
- Tuesday = Circuit class
- Wednesday = 30 minute run/jog
- Thursday = rest day, nothing.
- Friday = attack (cardio) class
- Saturday = 30 minute run/jog
- Sunday = 30 minutes run/jog
Week 2
- Monday = Pump class
- Tuesday = Circuit class
- Wednesday = 30 minute run/jog. After the run ask yourself how you felt during the run and whether you enjoyed it.
- Thursday = rest day, nothing.
- Friday = attack (cardio) class
- Saturday = jog/run for 15min then 5min at the pace you would like to run your 5km's in then followed by 10min easy jogging.
- Sunday = 30 minutes run/jog
Week 3
- Monday = Pump class
- Tuesday = Circuit class
- Wednesday = 5min jog/run then 15min at the pace you would like to run your 5km in, then followed by 10min easy jogging.
- Thursday = rest day, nothing.
- Friday = attack (cardio) class
- Saturday = an easy day. Only 30min jog/run. Can you see your improvement, if not then you need return to week 2 of this schedule.
- Sunday = 30-40min light jog/run TALK TEST
- Monday = Pump class
- Tuesday = Circuit class
- Wednesday = 5min jog/run then 15min at the pace you would like to run your 5km in, then followed by 10min easy jogging.
- Thursday = rest day, nothing.
- Friday = attack (cardio) class
- Saturday = 20 min light jog/run TALK TEST with exercises after
- Sunday = Go for your PACED 5km run and enjoy.