Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a commentless blog...

... is like an echo-ey room.


  1. so true -oo -oo

    ps- good job on breaking your record for # of posts in a month. I'm doing that this month too. I love quantity of posts. Too many blogs are a post every leap year.

  2. But how many posts is too many?

  3. ha-ha-ha

    Ben - how sweet that you noticed I broke my record! I'm going for quantity...

    Nathan - Trouble with your blog (fabulous though it is) is that I always have so much to catch up on. If I go out for a morning I have to scroll down about a kilometer before I can start reading.

  4. advantage of a leap-year blog is that you're always up to date!

  5. yeah, up to date with what was happening during the Great Depression.

    I think quantity is good, good, good. I think the golden rule is write shorter posts, more often. The 87 paragraph post once a week bugs me. I read blogs for regular bits and pieces. If I want a book, I'll read a book.

  6. Agh, you're all funny. But there are lots of echoes on my blog :(. What am I doing wrong? Too many books? Today I wrote a short post about my wet trousers - was that better? or worse?

  7. Aggh! See, this why I don't comment on blogs. No-one answers ;).

  8. Hi Ali! This post had crept too far down! My trick is to have posts like this to attract the commenters. Have a look at my top post now - the new creation one. My bet is that things will remain echo-ey for as long as that's on top!
