Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have spent much of today drawing pictures for my Sunday School material.  I was hoping that if I left this job for long enough, someone else would do it for me.  Alas, it didn't happen.  I'm not a drawer.  I sat down with my kids' 'how to draw people' book and followed the steps.

I've now done 4/8 pictures.  They'll do (probably), but look laboured - like an essay written by a non-English speaker or a melody by a non-musician.

I'm hoping they'll be rescued by my nice font.

Anyway, here's Rehoboam.

and here's Manasseh.


  1. Maybe you should commission a professional drawer - perhaps an animator.

  2. Glad to see you guys haven't taken a blog break. You two make my blog world feel secure.

    I like your drawings, Simone.
