Friday, January 15, 2010

A day without comments...

Have I missed the rapture?  Am I the only one left?  Wandering lonely in the blogosphere... All my comrades taken... And I....Left behind!

Is there anyone out there?


  1. A blind man walks into a bar, and just starts swinging his guide dog around and around.

    The bartender says, "Hey mate, what are you doing?"

    The blind man replies, "Don't mind me, I'm just looking around."

  2. Careful, Simone. You're sounding insecure :)

  3. I am insecure! Thought this post was a fairly loud cry for help!

    Maso - it's always time for a bar joke.

  4. Hey, well I am here, and I tagged you in a photo thingy. Feel free to pass if you don't want to, just let me know.

  5. A sheep walked into a baaaaaaaa.

  6. Well, to be perfectly frank, I did have a comment on Friday-- I wanted to say 'ha, Lesbia is a funny name', but I didn't think it would be well recieved, so I let sleeping Lesbias lie.

  7. According to my webstats I have readers from Brazil to Finland but they aren't commenting. :-(
