Saturday, January 30, 2010

B&B catch up

When I was in 3rd year at uni I used to watch the Bold and the Beautiful about once a week.  I worked in a Woolworths bakery each Saturday, and the girls I worked it would catch me up on the other 4 episodes.  All good fun while you are bagging breadrolls.  I've seen bits of B&B probably once a year since then.  I've always found it pretty easy to pick up the thread - it's just a matter of working out who Ridge is currently married to (Brooke or Taylor), which Forrester man Brooke is currently sleeping with/pregnant to (mostly not the same), and what terrible thing has most recently happened to Taylor (ship wrecked/kidnapped/died/dissapeared...)

In case anyone hasn't experienced the Bold and the Beautiful, take a few minutes to catch up on the 23 years you've missed!


  1. So, so true - from when I used to watch it in high school!

  2. I used to love Taylor. Now she looks like tragic.
