Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I have quite a few fb friends that I barely know. I'm good with that. There's one guy I'm pretty sure I don't know at all. His friend request sat waiting for me to respond to for ages, then the other week I clicked yes just to get rid of it. He has 1400 friends and we have 6 in common. His initials are RB and he describes himself as a 'Sydney-based ethicist'. Does anyone know him? RB, do you read this blog? Do I know you, or are you just a random friend-collector?


  1. No idea who he/she is.

    A tangent if you please? I only got going with fb about 2 months ago. And I have made myself a little rule that if I don't know someone then I won't connect with them.

    I had a request from someone last week who I didn't think I knew. We had about 15 mutual friends and I could sort of guess where I might have met her. So anyway, I sent her a message telling her that I couldn't remember her and asked her for some details. Turns out we have met, briefly, and that we will meet again soon. Request accepted.

    The other thing I am uncomfortable about is teenage girls who want to be my friend. Shoudl I be? I had a few but I've cut most of them loose.

  2. If it's a girl who wants to be my friend, I just click 'accept'. If it's a guy I try to work out if I know them. I'm not particularly paranoid - if anyone wanted to stalk me, there's lots they could find out online - but I don't want completely random guys on my friends list.

    I don't think it looks good if a guy has teenage girls on his page. Probably wise to cut them loose - and hope they won't notice.

  3. that friend request is sitting in my requests too...don't know him..Hubby has heard of him

  4. Hey - great initials - RB ! Not me though. I've had a few friend requests where I didn't think I knew the person at all, so before excepting, I email asking if I know them... oddly enough, they seldom reply! So, after a few weeks, I reject them. (I do ask politely if I know them)
