Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the trinity

Following the edifying discussion over at Izaac's blog on the trinity, I thought I'd put a few thoughts up here.

The father is the first person of the trinity. Jesus, also known as 'the Son', is also a part of the trinity. Usually considered the second person of the trinity. Jesus is both God and man. The holy spirit is the third person of the trinity and proceeds from the father and the son.

Have I got that right? Come one, come all and comment!


  1. The thing about these sorts of wonderful discussions is that grammar and words become weapons on which to impale people. Arianism and Modalism and Trithiesm and Unitarianism are but a few of the accusations that await us if we err one side or another of the tiny narrow line of orthodoxy.

    Having said that. Stuff it. I like what you're doing here. And apart from a small slip where you said that Jesus ... is also part (you've said person a few words on so it's only a slip I reckon) of the trinity I think you're bang on the money.

    Are you challenging someone to disagree with you or something? Sifting out the J Dub's?

  2. ... The Lion is the often maligned fourth person of the quinity. The Lamb was formerly a member of the quinity but unfortunately before being able to arrive in the new creation where they would lie down together, was consumed by the Lion. This leaves us with a quadity.

    The only thing I like to add after every description of the trinity is a special tribute to our early church fathers. "Without confusion."

    Thanks for the link. :)

  3. I see that I've missed the humour. At least I think I have. I'm confused now.

  4. don't worry Al. Still wondering if our pastor friend will join in.

