Monday, September 14, 2009

'like' function

You know how facebook has that little 'like' function you can click on? It lets you acknowledge someone's status update (or photo or whatever) without having to have anything profound to say about it. You can simply 'like' it - which is fantastic*.

I think blogger needs a 'like' function. A 'like' option would help lure the lurkers from the shadows and get more conversation happening. It would also stop the phenomenon that Nathan has documented where the most original and insightful posts get no comments at all.

Has anyone come across a blog 'like' widget?

* 'Unlike' is also a great. I often need to undo thoughtless 'liking'. eg. "Tom's grandfather died today" - I want to acknowledge that I've read this, so I click 'like' then realise that it seems a bit heartless...


  1. Here:

    Or here, if you prefer.

  2. like!
    (seriously, I think it's a good idea)

  3. I wish it were like facebook 'like' and it registered your name as a like-ee.

  4. Google Reader has this function. Though most people who use a reader are already less likely to comment as it's another few clicks to get there!
