Sunday, September 27, 2009

top 5 girls names that I've never gotten to use

1. Philippa*
2. Millie*
3. Mikaela
4. Anika
5. Alice*

*I have nieces with these names. But I liked them first. If I was to have more kids, I'd like twin girls called Anika and Mikaela. Not sure an order can be put in. Perhaps I should buy puppies or goldfish.


  1. I thought Mikaela was Michaela. Lucky we never actually had to sort that one out...

  2. Know the feeling! When I first thought about names (well before I was married and had heaps of time to dream) I could think of way more girls names than boys! I wanted a "Megan Jennifer"...but she never came!

  3. ...or adopt a pseudonym. Perhaps you could start a secret blog where you post all the poetry you can't post online (here...??) and where you call yourself Philippa Millie Mikaela Alice?
