Monday, March 8, 2010

a proud parenting moment!

Don't the little ones grow up fast?  My boy (Nathan) reached a milestone today.  He got his own blog!  It's called TP Hut and I've added it to my sidebar. 

Nathan is an avid blog reader.  He loves the silly stuff on Nathan (senior's) blog and the funny stories on Ben's.  He's been wanting his own for ages and I've been saying no, but Trevor (thanks Nicole) said it was a good idea, so now I've agreed.

I'm going to try and stay out of it and let him blog whatever he wants.  He knows about internet safety and I'll keep an eye on things but I think this could be a good opportunity for him to: find his own 'voice' (everyone needs to do this!), learn to type, amuse his friends (and me), and express himself.  As he gets better at typing, I might encourage him to write some opinion pieces.  But for the next little while I'm suggesting that he master that all important blogging form - the list!

Do go over and have a look.  I won't think it weird if you drop him an occasional comment.

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