Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bones and the drawn out love story

Bones is the only TV show I'm really watching at the moment.  I'm under no illusions.  It's entertaining, but pretty average stuff.  The story lines are unconvincing, the characters plastic and the script ordinary.

But it does have the one requirement for an addictive TV series: the drawn out love story.  If you were to ask what Bones is about, one might suggest forensic science or crime or workers at the Jeffersonian Institute.  But these answers would be wrong.  The show is about the relationship between Booth and Brennan.

Without the drive of this romance, the show would be unwatchably boring.  So I switch on each week in order to see their relationship move that one millimeter further.  After 5 series I'm thinking that it's time there was some resolution.  But maybe there won't be.  Bones' character sits somewhere on the autism spectrum... Maybe they'll do what the writers of Doc Martin did - keep us waiting for series after series, give us 2 episodes of delicious immorality, then have it all fall into a realistic but depressing heap.

Anyone else watching?


  1. Sometimes it is 1mm forward and about a 1cm back.
    But I made it through with Josh and Donna on The West Wing. I can hang in there for I while longer for Bones.

  2. Yeah. Josh and Donna was worth the wait. But the rest of WW also held something. I'm not sure bones has anything else!

  3. Never watched Bones, but I can't see how you can put her on the autism spectrum and not say at least the same about Martin!

  4. I absolutely put him on the spectrum!

  5. Given husband's profession I'm not allowed to watch realistic forensic shows - so it is silly forensic shows all the way.

    I do like that the ads for it are getting more and more desperate to take a remark totally out of context and say 'no they really are getting together this week we promise'...

  6. Amy - what does your husband do?

    I know what you mean about the ads!

  7. He's a chemist working in forensic toxicology.
