Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have orthodics!

Finally they've arrived!  One is built up slightly higher than the other.  It's really weird.  I stand up and it's like... both my legs are the same length or something.  Crazy!

Still limping, though.  For how long can a foot hurt?


  1. Twelve inches, I think.

    SEriously - I hope it improves quickly. My limited medical knowledge would guess that your feet are now free to heal, rather than being under stress. Now, if you were like the rest of society, and stopped exercising... ;-)

    Has your gp recommended taking some anti-inflammatories?

  2. Oh, are you lop-sided too?

    At our new gym I've been told to use the tread-climber. It's a weird thing because you have to keep your feet apart to not slip in the groove but (possibly due to my lop-sidedness) my feet don't always go straight. I've also found that one hip feels odd, but I've only really used it twice so maybe things will settle down as I get used to it.

  3. So are you suppose to wear them all the time or just when you are exercising?

  4. Anthony - 'Limited medical knowledge' I guess means a degree to some! Anti-inflammatories - Yeah, I do that sometimes. Doesn't help much. And I'm meant to be icing after exertion - but exertion can mean walking to the car, so I generally don't. Tape is good. I'm a tape addict. I go around thinking about sweet sweet tape and planning how I'll can get my next fix...

    Laetitia - Hill climbers are a form of torture. Apparently the hardest thing to deal with in the weights room!

    Mel - All the time. But I have to ease into it. An hour a day to start with, and take them out when they hurt too much. I'm something of a masochist so I'll need to watch myself.

  5. Sorry for being picky, but isn't it "orthotics"?
