Friday, August 21, 2009

Nathan's opinion talk

Today I'm presenting my opinion that kids should have a limited amount of time playing games on the computer. There are 3 reasons why kids shouldn't spend too long playing computer games.
1. Computer games are bad for your brain
2. Too much computer is unhealthy
3. Playing games on a computer can make you boring

1. Computer games are bad for your brain. Research has shown that children who play too many computer games will not have developed the frontal lobe section of their brains. The frontal lobe is useful for maths, reading and writing and most importantly, self control. Kids who play too long on the computer will do worse at school and find it more difficult to behave properly.

2. Too much computer is unhealthy. Kids should be active, running around outside and playing games like football and tiggy. Kids who play too much on the computer will get unfit and fat.

3. Playing games on the computer can make you boring. If you play a certain game too much you start thinking about the game all the time and you can even talk about it all the time. This is boring for your friends unless they play the game and like it too.

Kids should have a limited amount of time playing games on the computer, because
1. Computer games are bad for your brain
2. Too much computer is unhealthy
3. Playing games on a computer can make you boring

I usually get half an hour (and sometimes an hour) on the computer on non-school days. I think this is good, but sometimes I don't like it.

Nathan R. (age 9)