Sunday, April 5, 2009

working girl...

I'm working monday to thursday this week as a primary music teacher.

Tomorrow I'm teaching:
-3 year 6/7 classes about the repeat sign
-2 year 3 classes about ta, te-te and doh, mi, soh, with the song 'fuzzy wuzzy was a bear'
-1 playground duty and
-1 year 2 class, where I get to do whatever I want.

All good. Hope the kids are.

I've not worked 4 days in a row since 1998.


  1. Grr, I've now had Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear stuck in my head for about 3 hours...

    Thanks so much for sharing, Simone ;)

  2. fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
    fuzzy wuzzy had no hair so
    fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy
    was he?

  3. oops. that was me.

    how about this one...

    kangaroo, skippy-roo
    dozing in the noon-day sun
    comes a hunter
    run run run
    guess who's caught you just for fun?
