Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things I know

1. Wasabi Peas clear the nasal passages.
2. The Eras fonts were cool 7 years ago.
3. God sticks his finger up at the strong by choosing the weak.
4. The BBC can be trusted to choose the next doctor.
5. It's important to know when to stop.
6. Knowledge, faith and passion are a compelling combination.
7. Baldness can be excused.
8. A hairy face must be forgiven.
9. Presbyterian men should shave more.
10. Glory is hidden in the dirt.
11. It will be worth the wait.
12. Ties with large or irregular patterns should not be worn.
13. After the second hour, I start passing notes.
14. After the fifth hour, everyone starts passing notes.
15. After 11pm it doesn't matter.

[written during a long meeting]


  1. I can't help but think that points 7 through 9, 12 and perhaps 2 are in some way related to me.

  2. Your dad was not at the meeting. But in terms of appearance, he would have fit in well.

    I hope that you don't have facial hair or bad ties. I trust your fonting is up to date.

  3. women need to show more tolerance for facial hair. All it takes is one day's respite for a man and he's got a hairy face. It is the part of the Fall that we have to bear on a daily basis. Show some empathy, ladies.

  4. Perhaps facial hair empathy becomes easier with age for women.

  5. One day growth. Yes. I feel for you.

    Three years growth. No.
