Thursday, May 14, 2009

round-about rhyme #2 (a nice one)

Was that last one more than you could handle? This one is nicer.

Look! What is that I see?
A kitten stuck up in a tree!

Your job:
1. Check the comments to see what stage the poem is at.
2. Write an extra rhyming couplet to go on the end. Rhyme pattern is aabbccddeeff etc. (ie. your lines only have to rhyme with eachother - not with anyone else's)
3. Don't worry about it not being good enough.
4. Post your couplet in the comments.
5. You can make multiple submissions.

See you tonight!


  1. Look below! A rat.
    A jump. A splat.

  2. Over there,
    A lad with fantastic hair.

  3. is that me you refer to, hun?
    thankyou, I just had it done

  4. How amusing,
    he's into personal grooming.

  5. But it wasn't him
    He looks like he needs a trim

  6. I thought theis was meant to be the nice one!

    I think I'll leave it there!

  7. What's this? You'll leave me to meow,
    Just when I'm outside on the prowl?

  8. This looks like a lot of fun
    I think I'll join with everyone

    Poor kitty needs a bit of help
    My dog could prod him with a yelp

    Be there to catch him, look and see!
    Kit-ty's no longer in the tree.
