Thursday, September 29, 2011

sorry. no blog posts.

I've had things to write, but they would have bored you to tears.

Let me tell you now. Grab a pillow.

It's TWIST season. I'm managing some of the events. Today this has involved:

  • watching the regos coming in (real-time agony - why do people leave it till the last minute*?), 
  • thinking about what songs to put in the sheet music give away books (suggestions?)
  • stressing about rego numbers,
  • baking chic chip biscuits, 
  • deciding that the numbers are actually pretty good for 2/3 events.
  • writing Brisbane and Sydney schedule sheets (keeping track of who flies in when and what we all have to do when), 
  • whinging to Andrew about the disappointing numbers for one of the events
  • preparing a thematically arranged list of emu songs for the pastor's conference (I've been wanting to categorise all our songs for years. Imagine a database where you type in your themes and it spits out potential songs for you - then you click the link, listen and download. Easy!)
  • Finding an extra 60 registrations for the concerning event. Rejoicing.
Anyway. As I said. Boring. The conference will be great though. You should come.

* I only ever register for anything at the last minute.


  1. I got halfway through the categorising thing, but never finished - at some point you get to know the lyrics to the point you don't need it. I should show you my song-picking spreadsheet though, which is designed to keep you from overdoing any particular song. And if I ever finish developing it, from skewing the I/we balance, the sung to God/sung to church balance, the subjective/objective...

    Sheet music? It becomes a question of what non-Emu Plus people would like. Which means, I suspect, songs that haven't totally mainstreamed (and therefore aren't floating around in a zillion illegal photocopies) - so probably the newer hits, I guess.

    You're making us choc chip cookies? Aww, thanks.

  2. The cookies were for Brisbane... Trying to work out if I'll have enough luggage capacity for Syd too. I'd like to...

  3. Anthony - how does this sound... 2 new Bob songs, 2 new hymn tunes + something else...

  4. Not Anthony...but the sheet music sounds good to me. I love free music (but I just paid for As Surely as the Dawn's download a few weeks ago, so would prefer not that one if you are putting in Emu stuff).
    And I am coming on Wednesday night (12 of us are supposed to be coming from our music team)....if baby is still doing the right thing and staying put :)

  5. Simone, I awarded you The Versatile Blogger award on my blog on Wednesday.
    It's your turn to pass it on.

  6. Karen - I was really hoping you guys could make it. If you've not registered yet to make it easier to do the group thing I can give you a promo code that you can pass around your church so you can all register individually but get the group rate. Email me if this would be useful. Baby is doing well so far...

    Brisbane's songs were going to be As Surely as the Dawn, No Other Name (Trever Hodge), 2 new Bob Kauflin songs, and a new hymn tune. Sorry you've just bought ASATD! I might still change my mind.

    Wendy - excellent! Thanks!

  7. Hmm. I answered, but it seems to have been eaten. Possibly because I referred to cookies again, and my browser accepts cookies.

    It's pretty much a blind guess about music, but I am excited about the hymns album, and I think it's worth highlighting that - people do like revived hymns (that Amazing Grace reboot has done good business, for instance). As for the something else - make sure it's something that gets sung/played brilliantly at the conference, and I think it's a winner.

    Does Emu still put the sheet music into Scorch? You could really impress people by giving the music out in a few different keys to suit more common non-standard tunings...

    Realising, of course, now, that all of this will likely be something you don't need to worry about! But I didn't want to seem rude :)
