Thursday, October 14, 2010

We got the house.

Now we're all feeling sad about having to move out of our house. Because it is our house. The only house we've ever bought. We painted it and put in a new kitchen. Andrew built a room underneath. We've had happy times here. The end of an era.

The agent comes tomorrow to take photos.


  1. Hey Simone,
    Just looked at the house you bought - how fantastic! That deck is worth every bit of the hassle. It looks like a great house, great location, and if the puritan in you needs any further justification, "great for ministry".

    I don't think you will regret it one little bit. Well done, I say.

  2. Cath - renting, not buying! Couldn't buy that house on a minister's salary. But thanks.

  3. The doctor prescribes the following pick-me-up:

    Pretend it's a new project!

    Good news if not glad news. Now to relocate the locus / focus of prayer...

  4. We couldn't afford to rent it! I expect that you will be able to based on the rent you get on your house.

    I'm assuming you can take some time to make the move - use it to make sure you only take the stuff that's important to you and sell or give away the rest - nothing worse than packing everything and then, at the other end, wondering why you paid to have something moved.

  5. Wow, heady days! That's exciting news Simone. I definitely get the sadness at it being the end of an era. But I'm sure this will be the start to a gtreat new area. Lots of good times ahead.

    Focus on that sweet bay window.

  6. Wow, I wouldn't mind being able to move only 4 km. And you don't really lose the house, it is still yours, even if you aren't living there. Don't be sad; you don't have to change schools, church or friends (or countries).
