Friday, February 13, 2009

no work call today or yesterday or monday

I never get called in to work ever anymore.

(Except when I can't work because I'm sitting in an airport waiting for a jetstar plane that's not coming.)

They must have realised that I'm the worst teacher in the whole world.

Now, to use today wisely...


  1. It is 1st Term. I used to find supply work was always a bit light on during 1st Term. Reasons include teacher's not run down enough yet to get sick; new teachers wanting to make a good impression so go to work even when sick; kids haven't got on the teachers' nerves enough to require 'mental health' days yet.

  2. Have you ever accused a class of 11 & 12 year olds of being insane all while claiming that you aren't? And I'm not talking about saying this while obviously joking.

    That's what we had a supply teacher say to us on the first day of 4th term in Yr 7. And, because our normal teacher was on long-service leave, we had him for the WHOLE of that term.

    So I doubt you're the worst ever - even a little bit. :-)

  3. you'd only the be the worst because I'm not teaching at this point in time!
