Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a question

Why do I get comments on my silly posts but not on my serious ones?

(L. you comment. I know.)

Maybe I do silly better than serious.


  1. I would feel bad making a trite comment on a serious post - and that's all I do.

  2. I wonder that too sometimes. But I think when I am in blog reader mode rather than blogger mode, it kinda makes sense. Big things require more thought, and a more careful comment. A quick phrase can very easily sound trite. Whereas with silly there's no pressure. I reckon most readers kind of skim read and put off a proper reply for some other time (which may never come).

    Anyways, this is a serious post and I have now commented longly and thoughtfully, so that gets me off the hook for a while, surely.

  3. i didn't see Nathan's comment before I wrote, and we both said 'trite'. This must therefore be the correct answer.

  4. and Ben, you have style too!

    I also, rarely respond to serious posts but am at a loose end at the moment so am blogging obsessively and commenting everywhere!

  5. I'm doing my bit to reverse the trend for you today Simone :)

  6. Well take heart: Most people say the same - that people comment on their light-hearted stuff - but it doesn't mean they are not reading the serious stuff. They just surface for the easily accessible, non-threatening kind of posts.

  7. I on the other hand produce nothing but light hearted posts and average about 0.2 comments a post these days.

    That could be because I make 10 long winded posts a day and people don't actually get a chance to read them before they've disappeared.

  8. Hey, you're getting comments!

    Out of my 63 published posts I have a grand total of 10 posts with comments and a combined total of 13 comments. That works out to about 0.206 comments/post or 15.9% of my posts are comment worthy.

    Actually, since 3 of those comments are my replies, I effectively have the same ratio of comments as comment worthy posts. (Sniff) On the upside, having a look at those comments, I found that a random person had commented on one of my posts; I feel all gooey inside as a result. :-)

    I'm assuming that my lack of comments stem from the following (not mutually exclusive) options:
    1) there's a million other blogs out there, so there's a lot of competition for the loyal reader;
    2)not many people know I have a blog in the first place;
    3) my posts are too long;
    4) my writing tanks.
    I'm hoping that no. 4 is not the major obstacle - even no. 3 is better than that. :-)
