Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And thanks everyone...

... for all the blog love. I've never been linked to so much in one day!

I'm thinking of writing a book, the five love languages of blogdom.

1. the click
2. the comment
3. the link
4. the email contact
5. the... something about moving blog discussions/relationships into real life discussions/relationships

Maybe four and five could merge and we create another.

Any ideas?

[If it were a facebook thing, one language would have to be gift-giving. When you send a friend a cupcake or something...]


  1. one you forgot is 'the follower'.

    You know on your profile page you have that thing '---people follow your blog'?

    This is the hard core dedicated, attatched blog love. It's kind of the bunnyboliers of the blog world.

    I have 2 and am watching my back.

  2. yes. Of course. The follower.

    Also, maybe we need 2 books - one for the blogger and one for the blog reader. We bloggers need to consider how we can express love to our readers. Molly Piper has a nice little thing on her side-bar 'you may be a stranger, but you're not a stalker' I feel so accepted when I read that! All gooey inside. Understood! [you'd never find anything like that on my blog.]

  3. I had an email from a friend (that's blog love!) suggesting that a 'shared item' link is a lesser form of love than an actual post link. I'm inclined to agree. What do others think? I don't have a 'shared items' thingy so all my links are the true-blue real thing.

  4. to be honest, I have no idea what you mean. what's a shared item? Also is there a way of knowing if someone's linked to you?

  5. Look down the RH column of craig's blog. See that list? That's what I mean. If you get a real link (the type that you gave me) you can see it if you click on 'links to this post' at the end of each post you write. Not so, the 'shared items' type. Also real links can be seen in google reader or whatever you use. Understand?

    Frankly though, I'll take links however they come and bask in the sweetness of each!

  6. oh right.. yeah I know what you mean now. Lots of stuff I don't know about yet. Haven't tried switching on the links to this post thing. Never tried a reader thing either. Not sure what they are for. One day I'll get with the program.

  7. i think the book also needs a section on fo-pahs (yes, I can spell it like that if I want to), part one for bloggers and part 2 for blog readers.

    part 1 eg's-

    -saying 'all my readers'

    -leaving a good comment unanswered, or even worse, leaving a first comment fom a new reader unanswered or unwelcomed. If that was me, I probably won't come back.

    -writing comments with agendas- hi, great blog, you should come and look at mine. I did this a bit early on. Bye bye dignity.

    -Trying to get lurkers to come out of the woodwork. They are a feral breed that cannot be coaxed.


  8. I don't use a reader either. I think people feel extra love when they see that I've looked at their site 20 times in the one day!

  9. I love shared items. I don't have time to read blogs, so I read Nic's shared items instead, trusting that she'll link to most of the good ones and do the hard work for me! And I feel truly loved when I see my posts there. :D

    The ultimate in bloggy link love? When they write an entire post about something in your blog. Me to you, and you to me!
