Friday, February 4, 2011

mac back!

My macbook is back! But it's not quite my macbook. Hard drive died. I lost everything.

Oh well. New start.


  1. so was that unusual for a new mac book pro? hope mine doesn't go the same way

  2. Wow, that's bad news. (The hard drive, I mean. I'm not that cruel!)

    I lost a hard drive three days before my 4th year project was due. Does that make you feel any better?!

  3. It appears, incidentally, that your new mac comes with a new blogger profile. You have a doppelganger on the top of the right hand column here.

  4. yeah. Just trying to tie all my stuff together. I have a new email address too.

  5. I feel for you - My hard drive crashed once. I felt like a fire had been through my life - I lost everything. On the plus side all the rubbish (uni assignments, thousands of old emails, lecture notes, articles about educating children, stupid pictures I'd saved) was also gone. I hope you, unlike me, had back-ups of photos and everything you really wanted.
