Sunday, February 14, 2010


Blank spaces count as characters. It’s true.
I wasn’t sure. And then I thought of you.

Sophie Hannah

[SH was commissioned to write this - a text message valentine's day poem.  It had to be fewer than 150 characters.]


  1. I've just "discovered" Sophie Hannah's psychological crime novels. I remembered her name from the poems that you and Ali post. Have you seen her books? Don't know if you're into that genre at all, but I'm quite enjoying them.

  2. I haven't read them because I generally don't do crime novels. Maybe I should try...

  3. If you're not into crime novels I don't think I would recommend them. I read a lot of crime fiction, but I still find them a bit disturbing. I wonder how people can even come up with these psychopathic ideas. What's going on in their minds? If it helps at all, Sophie Hannah is more like Minette Walters than Patricia Cornwell/Kathy Reichs, though I'd have to say that Minette Walters is better.

  4. Hi Simone,

    Happy valentine's day for yesterday!

    Could you please pop over to my blog and read the comments under the post "Can you trust a CD of hymns"? I have a question from Natalie about the calibre of church music in Brisbane. She is returning to Brisbane in the middle of the year.

