Friday, February 26, 2010

I normally try not to use my blog to tell people what to do, but...

There are two of you out there who read this blog but don't read Ben's.  This is dumb and you should change your ways right now.  Really, you should.  You must.  Bookmark this or put it on your reader or do whatever it is that you do.  But do it now.  I'll be checking!

Ben's writing is gentle and real and so so funny.  Like this post.  Go over and smile. 


  1. Two of us, huh? Are you sure? Can you be certain? Perhaps Ben is like a guy on the train, talking loudly, and it looks like nobody is listening to him but secretly they're all taking notes...

  2. Which is creepier - my obsessive checking of your blog, or your (apparent) obsessive checking of my checking of your blog? (Though I'm not one of the two who doesn't read Vanishing Point.)

    But you must have some serious Site Meter skills to be able to make claims like that...

  3. I'm guessing. (But don't tell anyone!)

  4. And I don't think you are at all creepy Anika! I'm sure I obsessively check my favourites much more than you check mine!

  5. Yes ma'am! (and at just a light skim, already can see it's a valuable addition to my feed reader - I tip my hat to you! (well I would if I was wearing a hat (which I'm not)))
