Tuesday 4/12
RE Christmas pagaent. Put on by my Junior Choir with half hour rehearsal. I hope they'll be able to pull it off. For 7 year olds, they're a pretty disciplined group.
Final church bible study. Sad.
Wednesday 5/12
Junior Choir performs (outside! Annoying!) at the building opening post school fire in December 2012.
Year 6 CD launch. Remember all those songs I've been posting? I need to finish tidying them up by Wednesday and print of a pile of CDs. We're having some kind of party.
Thursday 6/12
Funeral for Andrew's great aunt. The third elderly relative we've lost this year.
Friday 7/12
Staff Christmas Party
Saturday 8/12
Church Christmas carols rehearsal.
Sunday 9/12
Church Christmas carols and preschool pagaent.
Monday 10/12
Rehearsals for next two days
Tuesday 11/12
Academic Awards evening. I'm organising the year 7 graduation songs (Chasing the sun, Good Riddance, Hall of Fame, Safe and Sound) and accompanying the senior choir. Rehearsals all day, performances at night.
Wednesday 12/12
Premier of
'Courtney - The Musical'. Remember that *great* idea I had in January, that I'd get a group of kids to write a musical? Well, it's done!
Thursday 13/12
Kids' last day at school. I'll be saying goodbye to all the kids on this day.
Friday 14/12
Micah's birthday. The packers arrive and put all our earthly possessions into boxes.
Saturday 15/12
Sunday 16/12
Final Sunday at church.
Monday 17/12
All our earthly possessions go off on a train to Cairns.
Tuesday 18/12
House cleaning.
Wednesday 19/12
House cleaning then drive to my parents place on the Gold Coast.
Thursday 20/12
If we've found a house, Andrew and I fly to Cairns. Kids stay with my parents.
Friday 21/12
If we've found a house (hopefully!) Andrew and I unpack our stuff and set up shop in Cairns. Kids go to Brisbane to Andrew's parents.
Saturday 22/12
Kids drive with Andrew's parents to Melbourne. We continue to unpack.
Sunday 23/12
Kids continue to drive to Cairns. Andrew and I have a day off together.
Monday 24/12
Andrew and I fly to Melbourne.
Tuesday 25/12
Happy Christmas!