Saturday, April 10, 2010

creating crisis

This is gold!  Just what I needed to read.  Works in well with Nathan's ideas of just getting on with it.

Everybody wants to be your comforter. The whole idea of church life, they seem to think, is to find out what's hurting and pray for that. Nothing makes them light up more than to hear that you're feeling down, or you have some back pain, or your job is boring. It gives them something to "intercede" about!

I hope I'm not sounding too awfully cynical here. I certainly do appreciate prayer, but I think we're training ourselves to be perpetual spiritual invalids, rather than forgetting ourselves and getting involved in the mission of God in the world around us.
(h/t: Nicole)


  1. "I think we're training ourselves to be perpetual spiritual invalids, rather than forgetting ourselves and getting involved in the mission of God in the world around us."

    Love it!

  2. I was in a Bible study group, sharing prayer points and one guy spent ages thinking of something to say and eventually he said "well ... I guess ... actually, my back has been painful a couple of times this week ... so you could pray for that".

    In that context the group norm was 'you needed something bad to share to connect properly'.
