Sunday, December 20, 2009

Well, colour me fundy...

... but child #2 spent his time in church this morning drawing pictures of an evil looking Santa and writing:

S - S
A - A
N - T
T - A
A - N

He's been on my blog watching silly youtube clips I posted.

I got all angsty and whispered to him 'Don't draw that! People will think you're crazy if you go around saying Santa is Satan!"

He smiled at me, got a new piece of paper and drew Santa with horns.

Who can I blame for this?


  1. This is good news! Now you need only work out how to use reverse psychology to achieve all kinds of helpful behavioural changes simply by blogging the appropriate thoughts and waiting for him to find them online.


    I hope he doesn't read the comments, or I may have blown this for you ;-)

  2. I nearly fell off the pew on Sunday when we actually received a Santa=Santa sermon in a rural Qld PCA church.

  3. Wow! Sorry I missed it! Did he have a chapter and verse?

  4. Not that I can recall, but I was trying to stop my kids from sliding under the pew with boredom.
