Tuesday, December 22, 2009

entertain me, dammit!

It's christmas and blogdom is closing down for the holidays.

No one is posting much anymore.

No one is commenting.

I'm bored.


  1. A bear walks into a bar and says to the barman, "I'll have a gin .............. and tonic please."

    The barman asks, "What's with the big pause?"

    The bear replies, "I dunno, my dad had them too."

  2. I'm still posting. There'll be a bunch of new stuff for you to read tomorrow.

  3. What sort of entertainment did you have in mind?

  4. Maso, amusing.

    Nathan, you are my only hope just now.

    Anika, get a blog, get an active readership, write a pile of interesting posts a day, and you'll go some way towards solving my problems. Or tell me a joke like Maso did!

  5. I am, sadly, still posting. What a loser.

  6. Micheal - And I am still reading.

    Can't say I've noticed either of your current gripes up here. We're doing all carols on Friday and I've been at 2 weddings this last month where the talks were about marriage. Think you're just whinging. Move north if you can't handle the southern climate!

  7. This is not a joke, per se, but it amused me. (And I was reminded of it this morning.)

    It's the first paragraph from a sermon outline that a French minister posted on his blog. The blog post was 10+ pages long. It probably was a perfectly orthodox and edifying study. It's just that I didn't have the energy to read any more to find out. When I first read it, it prompted me to send an email to my minister thanking him for not being French.

    Among the words of the Bible, there are innocent words, simple words, words that one reaches for to pick as flowers without special care for what one does, the words that one reads and unites for the simple pleasure of bringing a bouquet back home that brightens the day and then wilts on the sandstone walls of the memory. The verb baptizo and the noun baptisma which we are going to look at are not words of this nature. This word is not a flower, it is a fortress...

    It entertained me contemplating what the reactions would be if an Australian minister *did* try to preach like that...culture shock, much?

  8. Sorry Simone - we're in the internet wilderness visiting country Qld. I'm missing my blog! And everyone else's too.
