Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just wondering...

...are there any Austen/Bronte novels where the heroine has brothers?

In all of the stories I can think of, the heroine is either an only child or in an all girl family.

Except in Sense and Sensibility where the girls have a half brother (I think?) and Wuthering Heights... but that doesn't count because Catherine Senior is not a heroine (Catherine Junior may be - but she's an only child anyway).

Looking forward to Emma tonight!


  1. Fanny Price in Mansfield Park - she has a lovely brother! But you are right, it's rare!

  2. I just went looking for my copy of The Professor, and I can't find it anywhere and can't remember anything about it! There are two fine brothers in Shirley, they just aren't the heroines brothers!

  3. Helen Graham in Anne Bronte's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall has a brother but for most of the book it's a secret, so I'm not sure if this counts. He is lovely, though. I read this book earlier in the year, and really enjoyed it as it shows how difficulties in marriage can both challenge and develop our character. So I recommend it, not least for the intrigue.
    ~ Sharon from Equip Academy
