Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm going out for coffee with a couple of women from church.



  1. But maybe they are only asking me because I'm the minister's wife. Maybe they won't like me when they see what I'm really like...

    Maybe they'll google me and find this blog and read my comments about cliche orgasmic church songs...

    Maybe I should take down that post before I go out...

  2. I'd put money on them asking you out because they are very, very curious about you. They are probably busy wondering if you'll approve of them. I'm about to go out and put the welcome food hamper in the manse ready for our new minister and family to arrive tomorrow. Exciting.

    1. That is exciting.

      My night went really well. The women were great company - a nice mix of fun and serious conversation and they didn't treat me with any minister's wife reserve. I'm feeling like this whole Cairns thing could work!

  3. Excellent. You'll have a new bunch of friends in no time :)

    As long as you don't leave all of us old friends behind...
