Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Haven series 4!!!!

Coming some time this year!

If you haven't gotten into this, you really should. Pop into JB HiFi or cruise on over to the itunes store.


  1. What would you recommend as a good introduction to the world of paranormal TV series for someone like me who's really not into that sort of stuff at all?

  2. Haven series 1, episode 1.

    There's a drawn out love story if that helps.

  3. ABC never showed season 3, did they?

    My wife and I were waiting for it, and it never came :(

  4. The ABC never showed series 2 either. iTunes.

  5. The last one the ABC showed was when Audrey turned up (again).
    I thought it was the end of season 2, but maybe it was season 1 (part 2) or something dumb like that.

  6. Thanks for the recommendation. Probably won't get to it for a bit since going back to work usually severely curtails DVD watching time here :( I long for those newborn days when there were hours all day and night to watch stuff.

    One for the next holidays, maybe....
