Tuesday, December 23, 2008

nathan goes to townsville

I've just rediscovered Nathan's blog. He offers his readers much valuable advice and uses a bright and airy template that you just want to look at. Why not add it to your reader?


  1. Thanks for the plug. Now I'll have to make sure my advice stays good.

  2. Generally speaking, I hate blogs that tell me what to do. But I gleaned so much useful info from yours... all written with your characteristic humility.

    And I love your white background. The real reason I stopped reading your old blog was that I couldn't. The black background made my eyes hurt and wounded me on the inside making me feel disabled and fall into a deep, deep depression...


    What is your dad thinking? Tell him to get with it. Black background is soooo 'oh look! I can make the screen any colour I want. Why don't I be really cool and make it, like, black! Then everyone will know I'm edgy and, like, bad. Hey, and why don't I use 6 different font colours, 15 different fonts and write in capital letters, with underlining? Like, just cause I can?!?'

  4. And, of course, I write that with the deepest love and respect!
