Friday, October 31, 2008

interesting or annoying?

Despite my issues with his exegesis, Mark Driscoll has made many valid and insightful pastoral points in his current relationships series. Among his best, MD says:

"The difference between interesting and annoying is time"

speaking about the fact that we are often drawn to our opposite (extroverts marry introverts etc.)

What do you think?


  1. He's really crystallised it for me. Even when I was share-housing, I quickly discovered that if someone was getting on my nerves, it was usually because I didn't have enough time to hang around them.

  2. What a brilliant quote!

    Btw I sent you a couple of emails a few weeks ago... just wanted to make sure you got them ok :)

  3. Do thing that are interesting become annoying over time or vice versa?

  4. Having a quiet, fairly unreflective husband who preferred the football to poetry was quite interesting to start with wasn't it....;)
