Thursday, July 17, 2008

On The Contracting Out Of Parenting #1: Swing School

Sick of endless hours pushing your kids on the swing? Exhausted from the constant cries of 'higher, higher'? Tired of people telling you that swing pushing is a stage you have to go through?

Studies have shown that excessive pushing of swings is not only tedious but can also be harmful. Many parents have suffered the discomfort of sore arms and have felt worn out both physically and emotionally after a swing encounter in the playground.

There is an alternative. Swing School teaches children the skills and attitudes they need to become self swingers. Our unique system is suitable for children from six months of age and also incorporates training in swing safety. We specialize in all levels of training: from attitude adjustment for the stubborn child to style enhancement for independent and capable swingers. Swing School also offers advice for parents in managing issues of co-dependency and learned helplessness in the playground. Call us today and talk to one of our friendly consultants about your child's needs.

swing style
swing sense
swing success

swing school


  1. I can't believe it's true. But sadly I can. What is the world coming to? At the same time, where do I sign my children up? Higher, higher... More swing.....

  2. Actually, it's not true. I made it up. But for a small cost I'll sell you the idea and you can go into business.

    I have more ideas too...

    So many ways to make money out of stupid/desperate parents... (I'm in that category!)

  3. he he he
    It's more the "Watch me, mummy, watch me!" "No, watch me!" problem in my family though. Any ideas for that one?
    ~ Sharon
    (mother to four kids five and under)
