Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The way of the future.

Nathan is changing my details with the aec. I think i'll have him do all my forms from now on. He likes it.


  1. Taking advantage of their strengths...I like it...

  2. I wish I could get him to sign my name. Would be helpful for the 50 permission forms (and headlice notices) that come home from school each week...

  3. What is there to sign on a headlice notice?

  4. "I have checked my child's head and:
    -there are no headlice
    -I have treated him/her."

    The note that comes home is hilarious. "It has come to our attention that a case of headlice has been detected in our school [surely not!]. While not a cause for serious alarm [!], action must be taken..."

  5. My daughter can sign my name. I found a piece of paper where she had been practising.

  6. You get a note when there is ONE case of headlice in the SCHOOL?

  7. Not sure what warrents a note being sent out to the whole school. But we certainly get a lot of them.

  8. We only get a notice if there's a kid with headlice in the same class as one of our kids. Just a notification that it's there. We never have to sign to say we've checked or anything. The boys' hair is pretty short, we've only had to deal with it a couple of times here. But I suspect it will be a different story in future now we have a little girl....

  9. The notice/'action at home' form is what Queensland Health recommends as part of 'Management of Head lice in Primary school'. It is up to the school principal to decide if it goes home to just the class affected or the whole school.
