Well after a break of 5 weeks I'm back to the ol' blog.
Since I last wrote we've:
1. Moved house. We didn't move far - still in Cairns, of course. We're in a suburb called Mooroobool which has 3 sets of double O's. The house is okay. Bigger than what we had, but a little odd in spots. Here's the floor plan for the living area. (I did it for the real estate agent to show where we want picture hooks.)

You might notice a something I've labelled 'funny brick thing'. It is a gigantic, bricked in indoor garden facility. Think permanent, huge planter box. I could have a small rainforest growing in the middle of our living area if I wanted to. But I don't. The bricks come up about as high as a chair seat and there's 2.6 meters of them on the flat side. Then it curves around to make a cut out semi-circle planter box in the front room. In the past, people have clearly regretted the presence of this monstrosity, but haven't had the courage to take to it with a brick hammer. Instead they've made a permanent room divider wall thing stick out of the straight side, but truthfully, the wall looks as odd as the planter box. It doesn't reach all the way to the ceiling and sort of looks like an old fashioned overhead projector screen. I'm hoping it will look less weird with a nice picture hung on it - that's if the owners let us stick up picture hooks. Here's hoping. I'm trying to turn the planter box into a feature daybed thing. Cushions etc. I have hopes that I can make something of it. At the moment the curved part is holding musical instruments.
Overall the house should work okay. There's lots of space, 4 bedrooms plus study, front music/lounge room, wide hallways, big living/dining, brand new kitchen with so much bench space I don't know where to cook dinner... Here's (half of) our pool. We're trying to work out if there's a way to keep the mud and branches out when it rains.
Thankful that we're in. Needing to get the final things sorted before work starts again in a week.
2. Driven about 5000kms. It was a lot. We listened to Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister, some sermons, quite a bit of bible and lots of music. Love the fuel economy of our new diesel car. 1000km per tank!
3. Seen lots of friends. This was excellent. Particularly encouraging to go back to our old church.
4. Seen my brother and sister in law. They live in Paris and have just bought a little dog. His name is I'Marvin. The 'I' is silent. The french have rules for naming pets and any dogs born last year need to have a name beginning with 'I'.
5. Ordered a new little dog. We looked after Andrew's brother's family's dog for 6 months last year (Daphne) and I so enjoyed having two dogs we are replacing her with a new pup. We are getting a cavachon - Cavalier x Bishon Frise. She was born 30/12/2013 and we'll get her at the end of February. Here she is at about 6 days old:
Haven't decided on a name yet. At this stage four out of five of us refer to her as the Tricksy Pups.
6. Thought some more about my myers briggs personality type and preaching thing. More to come in the next couple of days.