Wednesday, July 7, 2010

on the ice


  1. Wow. That must have been pretty scary.

  2. yuck. how did you find the composure to take a snap?

  3. I took the photo 90 minutes after the accident happened - so I had had time to get used to the situation. And despite the oxygen and spinal board I was reasonably confident he'd be okay - he could move his arms and legs. I got more stressed later when I hadn't heard anything for 6 hours.

    I should have taken a photo of the amazing slope we were all riding down - but couldn't bring myself to take that photo. Also couldn't watch the kids who continued to ride down it while we were waiting.

  4. Hi Simone,

    Praying for you.
    You are welcome to stay with us in Orange on your long journey home if you would like to break up the trip. Happy to feed you or whatever you need to make it back in one piece.

  5. Yeah, that really must have been horrible. We've been praying for you all and looking forward to seeing Andrew on the weekend. Praying for your big drive as well.

  6. Thanks K. We would love to come by and see you - were thinking of it a week ago before all this. Still unsure of our route. We now have only 2 days to do whole trip. A's mum taking A's place in car with me. I'll let you know.

  7. Jo - I've never before liked that you+A+N+c live in Melbourne. Now very thankful.
