Saturday, August 2, 2014

A prayer for healing

Father of mercies and God of all power. You are our only help in this time of need. You knit us together in our mothers’ wombs. You are sovereign over our every breath. Every cell in our body jumps at your command. Please heal S. Cure him of this tumor. Give him more days on earth to serve you. 

Father of mercies. You have showered S with your grace. Unworthy as he is, through Jesus you have fitted him for life eternal with you. Please also grant him this lesser blessing of a longer life on earth. Spare J and the children the grief of losing husband and father so soon. 

In the hours and days that come, give strength to S’s body. Guide the minds and hands of the doctors as they make decisions and carry out  surgeries. Comfort S, J and the children with a confidence in your goodness. Preserve them from the temptations of the enemy. Give them patience under this affliction. Above all, speed the day when this and all other trials are ended and we can live with you in the world that will know no more tears or crying or pain.
