Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Get Along

Is this the most annoying song ever written?

Yes. I think it might be.


  1. Sting's The Russians might come close, and Imagine is the gold standard.

  2. Nope. It's a great song. What have Christians got against getting along?

  3. I've got nothing against getting along. But I find this song particularly patronising.

  4. I still think this is an awesome song. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get along.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Don't you think most of what religious people say is patronising. You only have to listen to sermons, songs or read Christian books and you get a massive serve of patronisation. But just because I do to believe in Christianity or any other religion doesn't stop me wanting peace in the world and hoping people can get along. To me religious beliefs and whether god exists or not is completely irrelevant. It's how we treat one another, social justice and responsibility that is relevant. It's patronizing when Christians think they're the only ones who do good in the world. My issue with that is some of the worst behaviour I've experienced is from Christians.

  7. That was meant to say I DON'T believe in Christianity. I don't believe in any religion
